Dr. Mort Orman here and today I want to highlight three big keys to eliminating (i.e., mastering) stress.
These three keys are: CLARITY—PRECISION—ACTION
Let me explain what I mean.
If your goal is simply to manage your stress, you also need these three keys.
First you will need clarity that you are indeed feeling stressed. Then you’ll need to be clear about the wide array of stress management strategies available to you, their pro’s and con’s, and which ones you want to try.
Once you’ve selected a particular stress management technique, then you’ll need some precision about how to execute that technique correctly. If you are using deep breathing exercises, for example, you’ll need to know how to perform each variation of these for optimal results.
The same goes for meditation techniques. There are many different ways to meditate, and each way has its own precise instructions.
Of course, once you have all the clarity and precise knowledge in place, it’s still up to you to go out and perform them. This is where the action step comes in.
Mastering Your Stress Instead Of Managing It
The problem with most stress management techniques, no matter how healthy or beneficial they might be, is that they mostly address just the SYMPTOMS of your recurring stress problems.
They don’t really help you identify or deal with underlying CAUSES.
Thus, your stress problems will very likely continue to occur, and you will constantly need to “manage” them to keep from being harmed.
Stress Mastery, on the other hand, is all about dealing with the root causes of our recurring stressful problems.
When you are able to identify and deal with root causes, many of which reside within us, you then gain the power to “eliminate” much of your stress, so managing just the symptoms alone becomes less of a necessity.
But in order to successfully use this Stress Mastery approach, you’ll also need lots of CLARITY, PRECISION and ACTION, although of very different kinds.
It’s one thing to have clarity about actually being stressed, or actually feeling stressed or overwhelmed. It’s quite another thing to have great clarity about what’s really causing that stress to occur in your life.
This involves several different levels of clarity.
First, you need to be clear about what stress really is and how it occurs for all human beings.
Then, you need to be clear about the difference between internal and external causes.
Then you need to be clear about the specific internal causes that produce stress in your life, and how these might differ in different situations.
In order to truly eliminate any recurring stressful problem in your life, you can’t just be clear that you might be playing a role in causing it.
Have you ever noticed that it does no good at all to simply advise someone that they are probably generating their own stress?
In most cases, this just makes the person feel worse, or possibly even angry.
What you really need is a great deal of precision in understanding exactly how you might be doing that.
For example, if you are feeling angry all the time, and you want to address the root causes, you are going to need very precise knowledge about the specific internal thought patterns and behavior patterns that produce the emotion of anger, not just in you, but in everyone else.
If you suffer from anxiety or panic attacks, you are going to need to identify PRECISELY the internal thought patterns and behavior patterns that are driving or escalating your anxious feelings.
You can’t simply guess at these things or have a vague understanding. You have to be able to pinpoint the underlying internal causes with a great deal of accuracy if you want any chance of succeeding with this type of approach.
So once you have achieved clarity about what stress really is, why it occurs for human beings, and most importantly precisely why it is occurring for you in a particular situation, you then need to take action to “neutralize” your internal causes.
Here again, the actions that you take will be highly dependent on both the clarity and precision you should have already gained.
Clarity about how internal causes function to produce stress for all human beings, and then precision about the specific ones that are causing you to feel stressed.
In my experience helping people learn how to master their stress, once they have deeper clarity and once that have gained greater precision about what’s really going on beneath the surface of their more obvious feelings and stressful problems, they usually are pretty good at figuring out exactly what actions they should take.
And if they can’t figure this out on their own, there are usually several cool strategies I can share with them, and which will only make sense to someone who has the right background of understanding.
A Proven Formula
So there you have it. The three biggest keys to mastering or eliminating your stress, not just spending the entire rest of your life hopelessly struggling just to manage it.
It’s easy to say these three things, and it’s even easy to explain what they mean in a stress mastery context.
But they don’t come easily to most of us, unless we put some time and effort into working on expanding our awareness.
This is what I love to help people do, and I’d be happy to provide you with more insights, as we move into the upcoming new year.
Be well, and stay tuned for more….
Dr. Mort Orman, M.D.
International Speaker, Author And
Founder Of The Stress Mastery Academy