About Dr Orman

Dr. Mort Orman is a physician, an award-winning author and is America’s leading stress elimination expert.

If you are interested in reducing your stress without complicated stress management techniques, we are here to help.

Our approach to helping you solve your stress problems differs from most advice you’ve already received.

Hopefully, this will excite you, since most of the advice you’ve already received hasn’t helped all that much…has it?

There are reasons why most stress relief programs don’t work. And if you explore this site, download and read our free report, and then open and read our emails, you’ll quickly find out why.

You’ll also discover the real reasons why you haven’t been able to get rid of harmful stress in your life. And you may be surprised to learn these reasons have little to do with YOU…or what you are capable of.

Instead, they have everything to do with false ideas and other mistaken assumptions about how to solve your stress problems that are not only widespread within our society, but are also shared by the majority of health professionals, life coaches, and stress experts as well.

About Dr Orman


Here’s a photo of me teaching one of my early stress relief seminars more than 40 years ago. I’ve shared my insights with thousands of others since then.

“We keep suffering from stress not because life itself is so stressful, but because we misunderstand what stress really is, what causes it to occur, and what we can do about it .” (Doc Orman)

What This Site Can Do For You

This site contains new and powerful insights about stress that you won’t find anywhere else.

If you want to have any chance for achieving long-term stress relief, you will need to first learn to recognize and overcome multiple popular myths and misconceptions about stress.

The good news is that if you’ve been successful in any other area of your life, you definitely have what it takes to succeed at doing this.

You’ve got all the ability that’s needed.  You just haven’t found the right game plan yet that can empower you to succeed.

We are here to offer you that successful game plan.

We’re here not only to tell you that you can succeed, but to take you by the hand and actually show you how to do it.

So if you are tired of feeling stressed and want to live a happier, more peaceful but still productive life, we’re here to help.

Dr. Orman is currently focused on helping Business Owners to eliminate most of their stress, so they can be happier, healthier and even more successful. So if you are a business owner and you would like Dr. Orman to personally work with you or your business, just go to the “Contact” tab above and send him a message. We will respond to you promptly.