being wrong and stress

3 Humongous Secrets For Eliminating Stress—Secret #3

Mort OrmanStress Relief

Are You Willing To Be Wrong?

Dr. Mort Orman here and today I want to talk about the third humongous secret for eliminating stress, as opposed to endlessly struggling just to manage it.

If you heed Secret #1 (Are You A Basket Case?) and stop “lumping” all your problems into one big basket called “stress,” then you’ll be able to focus on each of your stressful problems individually.

Once you decide to do this, you can now zero in on the specific underlying causes for each of your individual stressful problems.

This gets you to Secret #2 (Are You A Stress Producing Factory?).

You see, once you seek to understand what is really causing your stressful problems to occur, you have to go way beyond the obvious, external causes.

You have to develop new skills for looking at yourself and pinpointing specific thought patterns and behavior patterns (within you) that are contributing just as much, if not more, than whatever external circumstances you are dealing with.

You then have to know how to nullify these internal causes, once you get good a pinpointing what they are.

Stress Elimination Secret #3

This is where Secret #3 comes into play.

The essence of Secret #3 is that much of your stress is being caused by your own faulty beliefs, incorrect outlooks, outdated theories, distorted perceptions, ineffective behaviors, and other mistaken views about life.

If this is the case, and I can assure you it is, then the only way out of your stress is to correct your faulty perceptions, theories, behaviors and beliefs.

But this means you’d have to be willing to admit you’ve been terribly and horribly wrong.

And there lies the rub.

Most people would rather die than admit how often they are wrong.

Most people would rather get sick and contract a disease than admit how often they are wrong.

Most people would rather destroy their marriages, damage their kids and ruin other key relationships than admit how often they are wrong.

And most people would rather continue being stressed than tell the truth about where their stress is actually coming from, which ultimately comes back to their reluctance to admit they are wrong.

Talk About “Humongous”

If you think I was just exaggerating by calling these three secrets “humongous”…I wasn’t.

They really are that BIG!

And this third secret is the biggest of them all.

Perhaps, we should refer to it with even more grandiose labels, such as “super-humongous” or “super-duper-humongous” or maybe even “hum-hum-dinger-humongous.”

It’s absolutely that big.

And you know what’s even more amazing….

Nobody ever discusses it.

Talk about an 800 pound gorilla going unnoticed!

This is more like an 800 ton gorilla.

And still nobody wants to confront it.

That’s why it’s a secret and why it will probably remain a secret—known only to a few enlightened souls—for quite a long time.

To your health, happiness and success,

Dr. Mort Orman, M.D., International Speaker, Author And Founder Of The Stress Mastery Academy |