avoid stress management

5 Good Reasons To Always Avoid Online Stress Management Courses

Mort OrmanStress Relief

Dr. Mort Orman here, and today I will conclude this week’s three-part series about why I HATE most online stress management courses.

In my first two posts, I gave you seven reasons why the free, downloadable online course I accidentally ran into was loaded with unhelpful advice.

Today, I want to give you five good reasons why you may want to avoid all online stress management courses (and those which aren’t online too) for the rest of your life.

Reason #1: Stress Management Is NOT Just A Collection Of Techniques

Most people think stress management is simply a collection of coping strategies and techniques, some of which like yoga, deep breathing and meditation, have been practiced for thousands of years.

But stress management is also a philosophy…and most people don’t appreciate that they are also being indoctrinated (actually brainwashed) into a mindset or a mentality about stress that is terribly flawed.

When you believe that managing stress is the best you can ever hope to do, you may not be aware of it, but you have also accepted a number of other false and limiting beliefs about stress and also false beliefs about what it means to be human.

These false beliefs, which I’ve enumerated in many of my previous books, articles and other writings, are actually damaging you—by keeping you from realizing that you have much more power and control over stress in your life than you and others believe is humanly possible.

This flawed “stress management mentality” also keeps you from actively exploring other methods for dealing with stress which are far more beneficial and effective, but which may be less widely known.

Reason #2: Stress Management Does NOT Give You What You Want

As I mentioned in the first article in this series, many stress management trainings advise you to “accept” having a certain amount of stress in your life, so as not to add additional stress by complaining or resisting this “fact.”

But most people I’ve worked with during the past 30 years don’t really want to “accept” their stress.

They also don’t want to spend additional time and effort, every single day, to simply “manage” their stress.

What people really want is to be free of their stress.

They want to stop feeling overwhelmed, tense, irritable and either physically or emotionally exhausted.

They want to be healthy, happy, enthusiastic about their lives, and thrilled about going to work every day.

They want to feel calm, peaceful and relaxed most of the time, without having to add another part-time job (deploying multiple stress management techniques) to make this happen.

This is what people really want.

This is also why you will need to look beyond stress management courses if you truly want to accomplish these goals.

Reason #3: Stress Management Does NOT Help You Deal With Causes

The main reason why stress management courses, and stress management techniques for the most part, are not really capable of giving you what you want, is because they mainly deal with just the symptoms of your stress.

They don’t help you better understand and deal with the underlying causes of your stressful problems in life.

Once again, I’ve written and lectured about this weakness extensively, so I’m not going to try to summarize all my supporting arguments here.

Suffice it to say that if you want to know the very best reason why you should look beyond stress management for help with your stress, it’s because the most powerful coping strategy you could ever learn to apply is to better understand and then deal with underlying causes.

Reason #4: Stress Management Does NOT Help You Pinpoint Underlying Causes

When you turn your attention away from managing just the symptoms of your stress, and you focus on identifying underlying causes, the first thing you must do is understand the fundamental nature of these causes—for all human beings.

Here again, we see extensive damage being done by the “stress management mentality” of our times, where most people are taught only to recognize the obvious (external) causes of their stress.

There is very little guidance available today that helps people understand the invisible, internal causes which are always involved as well.

And there is even less training available to help people accurately pinpoint the specific internal causes that are responsible for different types of stress in their lives?

Do you know the specific internal causes (within you) that cause the emotions of anger, guilt, anxiety or worry to occur?

Do you know the specific internal causes of why people end up getting divorced, fall in and out of love, and otherwise have failed interpersonal relationships?

Do you know the hidden, internal causes of stress at work, or the stress of public speaking, or traffic jam stress, or the stress of being retired?

In order to truly free yourself from many of these common, everyday stressful problems, you’ve got to be able to understand much more than just what is happening outside of you.

You’ve got to become a “pro” at being able to pinpoint what’s going on inside you as well.

Good luck trying to learn how to do this by taking stress management courses.

Good luck trying to do this by consuming all the stress management “advice” that is regularly being fed to you by experts and the media today.

You’ve got to search outside these traditional channels for stress relief guidance, if you truly want to learn how to play and win this “inner game.”

Reason #5: Why Struggle Just To Manage Your Stress…When You Can Learn How To Master It Instead?

If you’ve considered everything I’ve said so far, and if you think it makes sense, why would you want to remain trapped inside the “stress management mentality” of our times?

Why wouldn’t you want to learn how to “master” your stress, by becoming more skilled at identifying and then nullifying internal causes?

I’ve been successfully teaching people how to do this for more than 30 years, and I’d be happy to teach you as well.

All you have to do is sign up to receive my free report, called The Stress Solution, and once you do, you’ll see a short video from me, telling you how you can get started with a very inexpensive (less than $10) introductory stress mastery training program.

In this short, online video training course, you won’t get any stress management advice from me.

Instead, you’ll be introduced to three big changes you must make in your thinking about stress right now, if you want to break free from the limiting, incorrect stress management mindset of our times.

I think everybody should be exposed to this new and different way of thinking about stress, and I highly encourage you to take advantage of this very affordable offer.

Just enter you email in the sign up field below this blog post, and you’ll be on your way to having much less stress and much more happiness in your life.

To your health, happiness and success,

Dr. Mort Orman, M.D., International Speaker, Author And Founder Of The Stress Mastery Academy | http://DocOrman.com