weight loss scale

The Real Reasons Why Most Weight Loss Programs Fail

Mort OrmanUncategorized

If you’ve ever tried to lose weight and keep it off, but failed, you probably concluded that the problem must have been YOU.  After all, you didn’t control your overeating habits.  You didn’t go out and exercise every day.  And you didn’t follow whatever recommendations were made to you.  Instead, you chose to either modify the program or buy into excuses to abandon it somewhere along the way. All the …

10 false belifs about weight loss

10 False Beliefs About Losing Weight That Are Keeping You From Getting Thinner…And Having People Look At You The Way You Want

Mort OrmanUncategorized

This is going to be one of my longer posts, but I think you are going to find it very enlightening.  If you are overweight now, or if you ever have struggled to lose weight and keep it off, this post is for you. We all have beliefs about weight loss.  Some of these beliefs are well-grounded, while others may be far removed from reality.  Here are ten of the …

weight loss willpower

How To Lose Weight And Keep It Off…Even If You Have No Willpower At All!

Mort OrmanUncategorized

How many times have you attempted to lose weight and keep it off, but you failed? How many times have you had to suffer pain, shame and disappointment of desperately wanting to achieve a weight loss goal, but never being able to follow through to get there? And how many times have you concluded that the primary reason you failed is because you lack the required willpower to succeed? I …