The Code Of The Extraordinary Mind

How To Be Extraordinary Part 1: Overview

Mort OrmanStress Relief

Dr. Mort Orman here and this week, I’ll be doing a five-part series on how to be extraordinary, based on a new book called The Code Of The Extraordinary Mind, by Mindvalley founder Vishen Lakhiani.

The League Of Extraordinary Stress Eliminators

As you may know, I recently started a private Facebook group called The League of Extraordinary Stress Eliminators.

The idea here was that there’s so much focus on managing stress today, that you truly are extraordinary if you go in a different direction.

And this group is for people who are interested in eliminating stress by identifying and dealing with its internal causes, not spending the rest of their life endlessly managing just the symptoms of stress alone.

I chose the name for this group before I ever heard about Vishen’s new book, but once I saw it, I had to buy it and check it out.

Vishen Lakhiani’s Purpose

The Code Of The Extraordinary Mind is an extraordinary good read.

Code Of The Extraordinary Mind

Vishen’s goal is to teach you how to become an extraordinary person, not just be extraordinary at getting rid of your stress.

He states up front that his intention is to “force you to rethink aspects of your life” and to disrupt the way you see the world…at least temporarily, so he can help you acquire better and more empowering “models of reality” which will lead you to adopt new and more powerful “systems for living,” which are daily practices that support your health, happiness and success.

Four Main Book Sections

Vishen organizes his book into four main parts.  Within these four parts, he reveals “10 unconventional laws to redefine your life and succeed on your own terms.”

There are many great examples of these ten laws and lots of helpful tips and advice contained in this book, which I am not going to be able to share with you in this brief five-part series.

So if you want to get the full flavor and benefit of the book, you can buy it from Amazon.

But I will devote my next four posts this week to covering each of the four main parts of The Code Of The Extraordinary Mind, at least from how they spoke to me.

In addition, I will not only be reviewing some of the broad messages Vishen conveys in each main part of his book, but I will let you know how I have actually applied these principles myself, in my own life, to become extraordinary at getting rid of stress (and helping others to do the same).

I will be sharing these personal stories of how I applied Vishen’s recommendations in a series of short videos that will accompany each of my five posts for this week.

Here is today’s video:


So stay tuned for a very exciting five-day series.

To your health, happiness and success,

Dr. Mort Orman, M.D.

International Speaker, Author And Founder Of The Stress Mastery Academy |